Sunday, October 13, 2013


a) What do you know about Hamlet, the "Melancholy Dane"?
- Honestly, I know absolutely nothing about Hamlet. The only thing that I know is that there is a character named Hamlet in the play.
b) What do you know about Shakespeare?
- Shakespeare wrote a number of plays which include: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Julius Caesar. I also know that Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter.
c) Why do so many students involuntarily frown when they hear the name "Shakespeare"?
- Many students tend to frown when they hear the name "Shakespeare" because of the language in which Shakespeare wrote his works in. His work is very difficult to comprehend and often intimidates many students.
d) What can we do to make studying this play an amazing experience we'll never forget? 
- I feel that in order to make studying this play an amazing experience we'll never forget, we must do everything in our power to actually understand it. Reading as a class and having class discussions would make this experience a good one for every student.

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