Monday, September 9, 2013


accolade: (noun) Any award, honor, or laudatory notice.
- Due to her extremely high grades, the girl received accolades from her colleagues.   

acerbity: (noun) sourness in quality; harsh in temper or expression.
- Her acerbity was expressed through her tone of voice, as she spoke regarding her rival. 

attrition: (noun) A reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength; A wearing down or weakening.
- The company had faced a high rate of attrition because so many employees were being injured while on the job.

bromide: (noun) A person who is platitudinous and boring; A platitude or trite saying.
- The girl was seen as a bromide due to her dull personality.

chauvinist: (noun) A person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic; A person who believes one gender is superior to the other.
- Extremely devoted to military glory, the man was seen as a chauvinist.   

chronic: (adjective) Constant, habitual, continuing a long time, or happening frequently.
- Constantly telling lies, Bob soon became known as a chronic liar.

expound: (verb) To explain or interpret in detail; To make a detailed statement.
- The girl expounded her thoughts on the poem to the entire class.

factionalism: (adjective) The splitting of groups into factions; Conflict between factions.
-  Since both groups were suffering from defects, I advised that factionalism should be eliminated.

immaculate: (adjective) Free from errors, pure.
- The girl had produced an immaculate essay; her professor was unable to find any mistakes. 

imprecation: (noun) A curse. 
- Angry at her ex boyfriend, the girl muttered imprecations.

ineluctable: (adjective) Incapable of being evaded; inescapable, unpreventable, unstoppable.
- Based on her challenging life, the girl had an ineluctable destiny.

mercurial: (adjective) Changeable, likely to change.
- The boy tends to irritate his colleagues with his mercurial personality. 

palliate: (verb) To lessen or relieve without curing. 
- The patient's symptoms had been palliated.

protocol: (noun) The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions.
- Protocol forbids the governor from making any public statements.  

resplendent: (adjective) Shinning brilliantly; gleaming; splendid.
-  The couple's backyard was resplendent; it's colorful landscape gleamed beautifully. 

stigmatize: (verb) To characterize or mark as disgraceful.
- The son's crime stigmatized the entire family.

sub rosa: (noun) Confidentially, secretly, privately. 
-  The plan was sub rosa; no one was allowed to speak of it.

vainglory: (noun) Excessive pride over one's own achievements or abilities.
- The valedictorian flaunted her vainglory to the rest of her class. 

vestige: (noun) A mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence. 
- Fossils are the last vestiges of dinosaurs.

volition: (noun) The act of making a choice or decision by the will. 
- Instead of listening to others, Jane used volition and made choices based on what she felt was right. 

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