Tuesday, September 3, 2013


apostate: (noun) A person who abandons his religion, cause, party.
- After converting from a Christian to a Catholic, the woman was said to be an apostate.

effusive: (adjective) Unrestrained, extremely demonstrated, lacking reserve.
- Kim effusively greeted her guest as they made their way to her door.

impasse: (noun) A position or situation from which there is no escape or solution; deadlock.
- The argument had become impasse, there was no way that the two girls would ever come to an agreement.

euphoria: (noun) Intense happiness and self-confidence.
- She was overwhelmed with euphoria as she received her award.

lugubrious: (adjective) Mournful, dismal, gloomy.
- The boy had a lugubrious look on his face when he found out that he didn't win the scholarship.

bravado: (noun) A pretentious, swaggering display of courage.
- The man displayed bravado, as he bragged about fighting his opponent.

consensus: (noun) Majority of opinion, general agreement.
- The club had come to a consensus on when they should meet for group meetings.

dichotomy: (noun) Division into two parts; division into two opposed or contradicting groups.
- I'm split between the dichotomy of nature versus nurture.

constrict: (verb) To draw or press in; cause to contract of shrink.
- Her eyes constricted as light shined into her pupils.

gothic: (adjective) Characterized by a dark and gloomy setting; pertaining to the style of medieval art. 
- The writer had a very gothic style of writing.

punctilio: (noun) A fine point or detail; strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities.
- When it came to her personal belongings, Chloe's organization was punctilio.

metamorphosis: (noun) A complete change in form, substance, or structure; transformation by magic.
- Certain cells undergo a dramatic metamorphosis.

raconteur: (noun) A person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.
- The author of the book had a marvelous skill as a raconteur

sine qua non: (noun) An indispensable condition, element, or factor; something essential.
- Bob's attendance was the sine qua non of the party.

quixotic: (adjective) Visionary, impractical, or impracticable; rashly unpredictable.
- Jessie yet had to realize his quixotic visions.

vendetta: (noun) Any prolonged and bitter feud, rivalry, or contention. 
- A student claimed that her professor had a vendetta against her.

non sequitur: (noun) An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises; statement containing an illogical conclusion.
- Albert's response to the professor's question was non sequitur.

mystique: (noun) An aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular occupation or pursuit.
- He has retained certain mystique which has made him a compelling individual. 

quagmire: (noun) A difficult situation with no easy solution; anything soft of flabby.
- The governor's decisions created a political quagmire.

parlous: (adjective) Perilous; dangerous.
- Being out after curfew is quite parlous.

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